How do you solve the grievances in your institution? Do you think that the grievance redressal in your institution is unbiased and always fairly done? In this time of increasing internal conflicts, an effective grievance redressal system is necessary for every educational institution to address the complaints of its main constituents- students, teachers, parents and non-teaching staff. Grievances in educational institutions may adversely affect the morale, productivity and willingness of the stakeholders to co-operate with the institution. Owing to the greater demand of grievance handling system in higher education, All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) has made it mandatory for its affiliated institutions to establish grievance redressal system to solve the grievances or complaints of the institute constituents including students, teachers, parents and staff.
Most institutions welcome this suggestion from AICTE as they find it difficult to redress grievances in the most discreet manner. Online grievance redressal system is intended to redress grievances in a confidential way keeping the rights of institute stakeholders protected. Grievance redress mechanism can serve as an outlet for discontent and frustrations of students, parents, teachers and other staff. Through the establishment of a grievance redressal system, the complainant gets assured that his/her rights will be protected by the institution. Since grievance registration and disposal using online system is quite effortless and time-saving, aggrieved person need not approach the grievance consultant directly to communicate his/her complaint. Systematic and transparent handling of grievances helps the petitioner relieve his feeling of dissatisfaction.